Water Quality on the Navajo Nation and How it Has Contributed to the Spread of Covid-19 in the Community

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About the Work

This presentation demonstrates how the absence of proper water quality governance has caused the community to suffer in the context of Covid-19, and the need for changes in water quality governance to stop future pandemic outbreak.

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Meet the People

Abhishek RoyChowdhury Dr. Abhishek RoyChowdhury is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Science at Navajo Technical University. His fields of expertise are environmental geoscience (environmental clean-up) and sustainable energy production. He earned his PhD in Environmental Management from Montclair State University.

Steven Chischilly Steven Chischilly is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Science at Navajo Technical University. He earned his M.S. from the University of Colorado in Biological Science EPO. His research includes the effects of climate change on pinyon pine and works to get Navajo Nation youth involved with planning and preparing traditional foods.

Perry R James Dr. Perry R. James is a full descent (with four original clans), traditionalist, and fluent speaker of the Navajo tribe. His work as a leader, educator, researcher, and writer is familiar with Indigenous ways of knowing related to a place-based context. This place-based context creates a sense of sacred place, story/songs, ceremony, history, ecological sustainability, and philosophy essential to the survival of the Navajo.